This Emperor's Pu Erh, which are made entirely of young tea buds are a lot smoother and softer in taste, making it very easy to drink and enjoy, especially for those who are easily turned off by the really dirty old grandfather's closet smells found in the Big Leaf Pu Ers. The dried tea leaves smell like earth, dark chocolate, with some hints of banana peels thrown into the mix. When the leaves are wet, it has a light smoky scotch aroma. Unlike the Big Leaf Pu Ers, Emperor's Pu Ers in general are a lot more smoother in most cases and are a lot more cleaner in flavor. As you get to the second brew of this Pu Er, you will notice a dark chocolate, ruity aroma and aftertaste. After a couple minutes later, you will still feel a subtle sweet aftertaste that lingers in your mouth. So if you are in the mood for a more easy and smooth jazzy Pu Er, this is the one for you.
Origin : Yunnan, China
Year : 1999 Dry Storage
Year : 1999 Dry Storage